Tuesday, November 29, 2011

ZIG ZAG method for dieting

ZIG ZAG method for dieting
Zig Zag ... maybe we rarely hear this term in the fitness center. Not many people use this term in terms of exercise. Zig Zag method has been used by many people who succeed in body building program. But most people who already at this stage, it is rarely taught this method to others. So, what is Zig Zag method? What are the advantages?

Our body is a highly advanced machines, able to adapt to various conditions and stress from the surrounding environment. That's what causes us to survive this long as a superior species on this earth. What to do with this zig zag method?

When we practice with a heavy load, our muscles will be damaged, and in the process of repair, the muscle will adapt. The more frequently this occurs, the muscles will enlarge to adapt. So that when the muscles are dealing with heavy weights again, the muscle will not be damaged.

The problem that happens to us is the way we think slightly differently. When we find a new method, weight training, and managed to increase muscle mass, we will look a little big in the mirror, we would say, this is really cool, I fit in this method, and I will use this method again.  

Yesterday I used this way, my muscles get bigger, the more often I use this way, my muscles will get bigger. But the reality is not so, and we began to stress, and eventually stopped practicing. The same thing happens with people who diet, height 160cm, weight 80kg, had dropped to 75kg, but at that time, the weight can not go down anymore. Various ways have been done but it turns out the weight does not go down. What happened?

What is happening is actually very simple, our bodies adapt. Our bodies get used to a strict diet, so he's bored and does not respond anymore. Likewise with the muscle that has gone up 3kg but stopped growing, the muscle was saturated with a routine that happens. This is where the need to use a zig zag method. we use this method to fool our body so that our body continue to adapt, but still within our control.

People who have lost weight with cardio, and low-calorie diet, but then the weight loss stops and can not go down again, could try to use the zig zag method, which is by reducing cardio, weight training began with a number greater than cardio , and start increasing calories (not that eat freely and inconsequential). If low-calorie diet has been carried out for 3 months, use the zig zag method for a month to increase the calories, and target is just a little weight gain. If yesterday was down 5kg in 3 months, try this in a month raise around 0.5-1kg in this way. Once a month is over, back to cardio exercise and lower calorie again.

That way, the body will be fooled, he will continue to adapt, and we can use the body's natural response is in accordance with our wishes. For those who want to lose weight, can try using a 3-month diet, 1 month slightly increase body weight, followed by a 3-month diet again. Do not continue to go on a diet for 6 months continuously. The result would be too long and even in the last month, there will be no weight loss. This is what usually happens.

Similarly, for those who want to increase muscle mass, muscle mass train for 3 months, followed by a month of cutting fat, then back again 3 months increased muscle mass. Always change your workout, then your body will continue to adjust and evolve in the direction we want.

Use zig zag method in all aspects, whether it exercise or diet. Some people who already advanced, even using this method to the diet in a matter of days, such as 5-day low-carb, high carb 2 days. There also are using the 6 days: 1 day. Try experimented and discover the right formula for your body. That way the fat will continue to be reduced and our muscles will be maintained. Is not that what we want?

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